Today, one of our Fellow, or should I say, Lady Doublers, Rachel became a good friend!
can see her Blog at:
Turn One Pound into One Million
She is proficient at finding different ways to make money from various internet opportunities. She is quickly building her Doubling Stake on her way to the One Million Pounds!
I wish her success and my hope is that
"My One Million Friends" will help her on her way to the goal.
So, Thank You for Being a Friend Rachel and Good Luck on your Million Pound Endeavor.
Your Friend,
Thank you so much. I was sad to see that no one else has donated any money yet. I hope that they do soon - I will try and do some more publicity for you.
I have just put a comment about your site on mylot to try to get you some interest/traffic/signups I hope it helps - link is http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/924378.aspx
Thanks Rachel,
I am hopeful that this project will become popular. It may take some time to get it known.
Both the Blog and website moved up quickly in Google.com and Yahoo as well.
I would appreciate any publicity that you are able to give it.
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